3D Views of Pilot Knob State Nature Preserve

A distant view of the Pilot Knob SNP area

A view of the Pilot Knob SNP Overlook Trail

Elevation profile of the Overlook Trail
Trail statistics: The Overlook Trail is 1.22 miles in length with an average slope of of approximately 9°. The highest slope is 40°. The elevation relief is approximately 650 feet.

A rendered animation of the Pilot Knob area

Mapping Project Information

This webpage was created by Derek Thomas for NRE 355. The class visited the 740-acre Pilot Knob State Nature Preserve on September 21, 2016 and we used our phones to collect GPS data the Pilot Knob trails. I mapped approximately 3.2 miles of trail then used ArcGIS and CARTO to measure the trails and create a 2D map and 3D visualizations of the nature preserve.

NRE 355 Fall 2016 _IMG8353-HDR-Pano.jpg Sunset

Geospatial PDF showing scenic index and hiking trails

Our strategy for creating the Scenic Index was by using ArcGIS's Raster Calculator function to highlight areas that are not covered in tree canopy that are also illuminated by a setting and/or rising sun using the sun's position for September 21. The index uses three layers as input in Raster Calculator; an NDVI raster from 2016 NAIP aerial photography and two Hillshade rasters from 10-meter DEM showing areas of illumination during an equinox sunrise and sunset.

Find the students' pages here: http://sweb.uky.edu/~blshea1/nre355/pksnp/

Page created by Derek Thomas, November 12, 2016, for NRE 355, an introduction to GIS analysis at the University of Kentucky.